We GATHER to celebrate Jesus, and to encourage one another toward love and good deeds as we are transformed and made new through the power of God.
We GROW in our relationship with God and each other. Our LifeGroups provide an especially meaningful place to do this.
We joyfully GIVE of our time, talents and resources.
We GO into our communities, and beyond, inviting people to embrace God’s love, repent of sin, and learn how to follow Jesus’ teachings with forgiveness, joy, and peace in their lives.
We are a beacon of light to those around us. We offer grace and hope to all, through the love and forgiveness of Jesus, the life-changer!
We worship together, learn together, pray for one another, and live out Jesus’ truth and love in the highs and lows of life.
We believe that God, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, reveals Himself through the divine record of scripture.
We believe that God the Father wills for people everywhere to know Him and be made new in Christ.
We believe that Jesus Christ, the Son, offers salvation to all through his death and resurrection. Salvation is received by personal faith and repentance of sin.
We believe that those who are made new in Christ are called to be holy in character and conduct, and can only live this way by being filled with and led by God’s Holy Spirit.
We believe the Bible to be God’s Word, and the Truth by which we establish our faith and conduct, enabling us to live God-honoring lives.
We believe that the purpose of the Church is to worship God in spirit and in truth (John 4:24) and to reach a lost and fallen world with the gospel of Jesus Christ through its worship, witness, and loving deeds.